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Issue 16 - October 1973
Straight From The Parrot's Mouth...

Just to cheer you up and reassure you that the country's in good hands, here are few quotes from the notorious Brigadier Kitson, Chief of Staff of the British Army; (quotes taken from Bitman 7)

"The selection of a good cause often proposes severe problems to the organisers of subversion." (because there are so many to choose from)

"The aim of government is to regain if necessary and then retain the alleigance of the population, and for this purpose it must eliminate those engaged in subversion. But in order to eliminate the subversive party and its ... supporters, it must gain control of the population."

"There is of course an element of truth in the idea that an effective intelligence system could be used to jeopardise the freedom of the individual if it fell into the wrong hands, but the danger posed by subversion unchecked by good intelligence is far greater."

"Every effort should be made to retain the respect and awe of the civilian community ... If an impression can be built up that although the troops have used little force so far, they might at any moment use a great deal more, the people will be wary".

Rumour has it that Teeside Police have recently been issued with a new weapon which has many uses. It can fire C.S. gas, rubber bullets and shot. The barrel is about 20 inches long (remember what sawn-off shotguns can do) and according to one source "it'll blow a man in half at seven feet". Hope they never have to use it.

The Commune Movement exists to create a federal society of communities wherein everyone shall be free to do whatever they wish provided only that they do not transgress the freedom of others.

Membership is for people or groups who wish to help actively to build federal society of communities. Members produce and receive the journal, write and receive newsletters, and hold regional and national meetings to further the growth of communities.

To join send £1 for a journal subscription, plus 20p, and seven stamped addressed envelopes, (sizw 9" x 4") so that you can receive newsletters, to: Richard Secombe, 3 Longfellow Avenue, Bath Somerset, BA2 4SJ.

Recently, one of our correspondents was charged, in Newcastle, with "fly posting". The said poster was affixed to a hoarding board around a building site on Northumberland Street, Newcastle. The penalty for the incident was a £10 fine (one poster). Therefore, if H.M. Government want to boost their revenue, surely at one poster for £10, somebody like the Guru Maharaj Ji would certainly help fill the coffers!

Talking about inflation and the rising cost of living and interest rates, what about the the interest the government must be paying.

The amount must be phenomenal and I bet it supports at least half a dozen millionaires. Especially when you consider that they haven't started to repay any of the capital borrowed for the Crimean War (at least 90 years ago). They're still paying interest on this money. How many wars have they borrowed money for since; how much of your money is just going to pay interest for all of this?

SITUATIONS VACANT:- VICE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.A. (Good Prospects for Promotion due to Forthcoming Retirement).

The successful applicant will probably be aged about 55-60, with a good and honest character and will have previous experience in the running of a large concern. He should have come from a good working class, negro-japanese-polish-irish family and be prepared to take full responsibility for answering the telephone.

The position is monthly paid and includes luncheon vouchers. Hard graft will be required.

Apply:- R. Nixon Esq., O.B.E. (V.D. and Scar), White House, Washington, U.S.A., Tel. Watergate '72.